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The First Kiss

Every year around the end of April beginning of May we have this Carnival at a local school. One of the families, a rather well know lot for being the core members of the Rock Group ToTo, always arrange a fantastic set of music, in fact this year they had Billy Idol performing. Anyway this particular year, I think it was two or three years ago,  I was taking my son over to the carnival and as we were leaving we noticed Kim studying for an exam (as usual) and asked her to come along. Much to our delight, without a second thought, she dropped her books grabbed her keys and off we went.

Well needless to say, as soon we arrive Alexander disappears into the local crowd with his friends leaving Kim and I to wondering about. Before long the spectacle of the event got the best of us too and we were running around hand-in-hand  from spinning rides to twurling rides onto the mini-ferriswheel. Sometimes stopping just long enough to listen to music, watch fireworks and have a slushy cold margarita and carni-foods. And than back to the rides and games at a dizzying pace, laughing and joking about the whole time.
  It was so much fun, we were quite wiped-out in the end and headed back home, still hand-in-hand, for some  much need rest.
Upon arriving back at the apartment I unlocked the door and let alexander dart in to slip into his pj's and get a few minutes of tele in before bedtime. As Kim's door and mine are right next to each others we stood there for a few moments recounting what fun the evening was. And as I said goodnight, without even thinking about it, I closed my eyes leaned forword and gently kissed her on the lips.
  To me it seemed such a natural responce to the evening, it must have been for her as well because as I pulled back and opened my eyes and she opened hers we stared warmly at eachother for a few seconds said goodnight turned and went into our respective apartments.

Such a warm beautifully natural heart defining Instant...

Though it's something we've never spoke about, in fact she may not even remember it, but it was at that moment that I realized this well-spring of admiration. I mean I'd always been physically attracted but I understood than that it was not that shallow, not so hollow.

Kim... thank you for that night.

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